When you have your surgery date, please register for your procedure online at
www.onemedicalpassport.com. If you do not have computer access, or are unable to complete this form, please call the center to speak with the Pre-admission Nurse at
Follow these guidelines to ensure that your procedure goes smoothly.
Before Surgery

- If you have not been contacted 48 hours before your surgery, please call the center for
specific instructions. The Pre-admission Nurse at the center will provide preoperative
instructions regarding the medications you take, dietary restrictions and anything else
specific to your procedure.
- Notify your surgeon before coming to the center if there is any change in your condition,
such as cold or fever.
- It us your responsibility to arrange in advance for a responsible adult to drive you home
and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. Your companion should
anticipate remaining at the center throughout your stay. You cannot drive yourself home
or be left alone.
Day of Surgery

- Bring any equipment given to you by your surgeon.
- Wear loose comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes, no high heels, or flip flops.
- Leave all valuables at home, including jewelry and cash. We cannot be responsible for
damaged or lost property.
- Bring your insurance card and a photo ID. If you have been instructed to bring a payment,
we accept cash and credit cards only.
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